Podcast: The Link Between Writing Clearly & Leadership

Our colleague Eddie Turner works in the leadership development area and believes that business writing effectiveness is a key leadership competency. This podcast explains his thinking on why the ability to communicate clearly in writing is essential to anyone in a leadership or management position.

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Macrolearning versus Microlearning in the Flow of Work

Our colleague Josh Bersin has written a great article for Chief Learning Officer about the concept of the “flow of work” and how people can learn new things efficiently while still getting their jobs done. Josh notes: “While the goal of microlearning is to solve a problem, the goal of macrolearning is to develop a new skill, obtain a complete understanding or provide context for deeper knowledge.”

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The High Demand for Writing Skills

The High Demand for Writing Skills

“According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, written communication was the number three most desired quality overall, behind leadership skills and ability to work as a team member… According to national surveys by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, employers want to hire candidates who can write coherently, think creatively, and analyze quantitative data…”

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