A survey by The National Association of Colleges and Employees (NACE) found that written communications skills are in the top three abilities employers want from college graduates. In fact, over 70% of respondents said that good writing was a critical factor in their hiring decisions for executive positions. The study also showed that communication skills are getting more important over time compared to traditional factors like analytical/quantitative skills.
The survey predicts that graduates with degrees in business, engineering, and computer/information sciences will be most in demand over the next couple years. In competitive situations, the ability to write well will make a huge difference for job candidates.
The findings of this study correlate well with what we see in our training practice. The people who are able to get their ideas across well on paper are also the ones who usually get promoted first. There’s simply no substitute for good written communication, whether it be a simple email asking for information, a major sales proposal, or an audit report.
This particular study was done a little over a year ago, but we have no doubt that its findings regarding written communication continue to apply and, if anything, the real value of good business writing is even more valuable now.